Tim Burton Town Planning Logo


Tim Burton Planning is a bespoke Town Planning Consultancy based in Somerset, offering expert professional advice and support to clients across the UK. Whether you are an Architect, an SME developer or an individual trying to navigate the complexities of the Town and Country Planning system, Tim will provide personalised attention to your individual requirements.

Tim Burton Planning also provides training and support to local planning authorities across the UK, including work delivered in conjunction with the Planning Advisory Service (PAS).

warehouse roof
Group Meeting Outdoors

About Tim

Tim profile picTim is a chartered town planner with over thirty years professional experience. He has worked for local authorities in a wide range of planning roles, including most recently as Head of Planning at Taunton Deane and West Somerset Councils. In 2019 Tim set up his own consultancy and now provides help and support to a wide range of clients.

In addition to providing planning advice and support to private individuals, architects and developers, Tim has provided Councils across the country (from Northumberland to the Isles of Scilly) with a range of services, including training to officers and councillors to help their decision-making, as well as undertaking service reviews. He also acts as a mentor for mid-career planning professionals.

Tim is a member of the Royal Town Planning Institute’s Regional Management Board and Nations and Regions Panel, as well as chairing the South West Local Authority Heads of Planning Forum.

Tim has a passion for promoting good design and regularly chairs independent Design Review Panels www.designreviewpanel.co.uk across the country.

Tim offers you the combination of senior-level management experience and the in-depth understanding of the complexities of planning processes that are so essential to the delivery of successful outcomes.

To view Tim’s professional profile connect to Linkedin.com click here