Tim Burton Planning Ltd
Expert advice and support in all aspects of town and country planning
Tim Burton Planning Ltd was established by Director, Tim Burton in 2019. We are based in Somerset with good accessibility to the rest of the south-west as well as the south of England and the Midlands.
Tim Burton Planning will provide you with expert professional advice and support on any town and country planning related matter.
As the sole consultant in the company, Tim is able to provide personalised attention to individual clients’ requirements.
Tim’s profile
Tim is an experienced planning professional and chartered town planner with over 30 years’ experience. He has worked for local authorities in a wide range of planning related roles including most recently as Chief Planning Officer at Taunton Deane and West Somerset Councils, where he oversaw a number of major planning projects including those that have led to the designation of Taunton as a Garden Town.
Experience & services
Since setting up Tim Burton Planning, Tim has provided local planning authorities with a range of services including the preparation of a town centre place-making strategy, provision of professional advice on heritage at-risk sites and has undertaken service review work. Tim has also provided developers, architects and individuals with advice on a wide range of planning projects, including preparation of documents to support their proposals.
Tim offers the combination of senior-level management experience and the in-depth understanding of the complexities of planning processes that are so essential to the delivery of positive outcomes for his clients.
Tim is a Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute (MRTPI) and serves on the South West RTPI Regional Activities Committee. He is also an active member of the South West Design Review Panel and provides services to the Planning Advisory Service.
To view Tim’s professional profile and connect on Linkedin.com click here.